#23 | Peep Laja, Wynter

#23 | Peep Laja, Wynter A CEO once told me he stayed awake at night wondering how many ideal prospects visited his site, struggled to understand what his company could do for them, and bounced for good…never to return. As marketers, we can all relate to that fear: is...

#24 | Christine Sotelo-Dag, Intercom

#24 | Christine Sotelo-Dag, Intercom The secret to messaging that resonates? Start with empathy, not features. Before you put pen to paper, make sure you truly understand your customer’s challenges, aspirations and feelings. That’s how you find the emotive hook to...

#25 | Jack Wei, SmartRecruiters

#25 | Jack Wei, SmartRecruiters When writing messaging, the natural reflex is to start with what’s so great about your product. (Especially when you know how amazing it is.) The trick is to consciously step back and start with the bigger picture. Why does your product...

#26 | Jarod Greene, Highspot

#26 | Jarod Greene, Highspot In so many ways, messaging doesn’t belong to your company. It belongs to your customer. Your buyer. And the companies who get closest to the customer — and use their insights and language to help guide messaging strategy — are the ones who...

#27 | April Rassa, HackerOne

#27 | April Rassa, HackerOne How do you bridge the gap between your product today and the vision for tomorrow? Pretty much every high-growth startup faces this messaging challenge: striking the balance between “what is” vs “what could be.” Luckily, awesome marketing...